Specs Weedle

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Specs Weedle
Specs Weedle Image.png
Hairy Bug Pokemon
Birthday Unknown
From Kanto Region
Height 1'0" (30cm)
Weight 7.1 lbs (3.2kg)
Manager MacChaeger

Debut Match
Specs Weedle W
8chanmania XLIV
First Victory
Specs Weedle W
8chanmania XLII
First Championship


Specs Weedle is a variety of the conventional Bug/Poison Pokemon Weedle from Pokemon Red/Blue.

In Reality[edit | edit source]

The humble Weedle is, realistically speaking, not much of a threatening enemy. The enthusiasts of Pokemon Showdown and 8chan's own Pokederp cherish it all the same, for even thought Weedle only has a total of three possible moves, those that it possesses can turn it into a surprisingly effective fighter which may not only steal the berries of other Pokemon (Bug Bite), but also can poison them (Poison Sting) and lower their speed stat (String Shot).

In all seriousness: It's still a joke fighter, but in a game where squeezing every last drop of effectiveness out of your Pokemon is essential to victory, there's a whole lot of it in the seemingly harmless caterpillar.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Spec Weedle debuted in 8chanmania LIV, with MacChaegar as its trainer (or rather, MacChaegar complaining that someone stole his actual team and only left him with Spec Weedle).
Despite of this misgiving, the bugger gave a dashing start right in the first round when it fought Funbro. Or rather, tried to fight Funbro while the latter employed WIP's old Duck 'n Dodge Routine. This went on for some good 104 minutes of in-game time (at 16x speed after the ten minute mark) until the game itself got so fed up with Funbro's shit that it ended the match and declared it a submission victory for Spec Weedle.

The next matches thankfully were slightly more normal: Specs Weedle won against Beaclon via pinfall, forced Lopunny into submission, and landed a KO against Hydreigon. Alas, an armless creature fares poorly against one with four of them, and the caterpillar lost against Machamp in the finals.

Weedle donned its glasses again for 8chanmania LXI, this time with a Fullderp Champ as its trainer of choice. The pokemon busted Cool Hitler and someone made the Lotus M200 tap out, but then ate a nasty KO by no-one other than the local genocide enthusiast Yuuka Kazami.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The fight of Specs Weedle against Funbro set the record for the longest match in all of 8chanmania history. The record held for approximately 1 Mania, where Hoopa's match with Funbro beat it by a whole hour.