Stanry Roo

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Stanry Roo
Stanry Roo Image.png
Birthday '
From The BioWare Forums
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match

First Victory

First Championship


— Stanry Roo

Stanry Roo was the affectionate fan name for a certain BioWare forums moderator.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Once upon a time, there was Star Wars: The Old Republic. It was an agreeable title from the time before BioWare only produced games as an excuse to peddle its yaoi fanfiction, and for a while, it was good. Still, The Old Republic (or TOR, for short) was published by Electronic Arts, and as generations of gamers can testify, EA's own bond-slavery to its shareholders meant everything it touches invariably turns to shit.

So it was with TOR. But as the fans rushed to the BioWare forums to warn about the upcoming TORtanic, BioWare sent in a forum moderator named Stanly Woo. Who handled said criticism by verbally abusing the posters in all caps before unceremoniously permabanning them. His leniency and even-handed verdicts quickly led to the creation of numerous troll accounts, including the legendary Stanry Roo.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Roo served as an on-off referee during 8chanmania: Season 2, and briefly returned to said role for 8chanmania LXXIX.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • While Stanry Roo comes from either China or North Korea, the man behind the meme comes from Canada. Poor bastard.

Links[edit | edit source]