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Sundowner Image.png
Birthday '
From Alabama, USA
Height 6'10" (208 cm)
Weight '
Osama Bin Laden

Debut 8chanmania XCIII
with Osama Bin Laden

Champions Managed

"I'm fucking invincible!"
— Sundowner

Sundowner is a major antagonist from Metal Gear Rising.

Bio[edit | edit source]

A designated military man, Sundowner served in the US army before he realized that PMCs offered better pay with less ethical restrictions. His tendency to paint vivid sunsets onto the ground with the blood of his enemies earned him a fancy nickname, while a chance meeting with an IED saw what remained of him rebuilt into a cyborg; complete with six shields of explosive reactive armor mounted on arms on his back.

Somewhere down the line, Sundowner founded his own PMC, Desperado Enforcement LLC. And since a PMC doesn't get paid with no war around, a reliable boss like Sundowner just has to instigate a few wars so his boys can eat. This does not sit well with everyone, but somewhere between his more philosophic side and the two giant machetes he lugs around, Sundowner always finds a way to give war a chance.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Sundowner served as the manager for Osama Bin Laden during 8chanmania XCIII, hoping that his protege could spawn a new war on terror. Unfortunately, Bin Laden ran straight into Chip Hazard, and ended up getting shot with an improvised nailgun.