Swiss Army Knife

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Swiss Army Knife
Swiss Army Knife Image.png
Birthday '
From Switzerland
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Swiss Army Knife Pin
8chanmania LXXXIV
First Victory

First Championship


The Swiss Army Knife is an enemy from the Atari Jaguar port of Rayman.

Bio[edit | edit source]

As the adventures of Rayman take place in a world of dreams, not all enemies he encounters are bound to trivial concepts like rhyme or reason. When he thus enters the Candy Château - itself a realm of dangerous illusions - it no longer comes as much of a surprise that the near-first foe you run into happens to be a giant, floating Swiss army knife with all of its pointy bits aimed in your general direction.

Why is a world made out of candy guarded by Swiss army knives, you wonder? Why are they exclusive to the Atari Jaguar version of the game? And what manner of poisonous frogs did the Frenchies over at Ubisoft Montpellier lick in order to come up with the idea in the first place? The answer has been lost to the ages, just like the brief period where Ubisoft didn't solely exist to shit out annual AssCreed games.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

The Swiss Army Knife fought in the mook-themed 8chanmania LXXXIV. It tried to cut up Galsia, but soon had to learn the latter was much better with a knife than it was.