The Scotsman's Wife

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The Scotman's Wife
The Scotman's Wife Image.png
Birthday '
From '
Height '
Weight '
Manager Frida Mofette

Debut Match
The Scotsman's Wife Pin
Abby Anderson
8chanmania XCII
First Victory

First Championship


The Scotsman's Wife is a character from Samurai Jack.

Bio[edit | edit source]

It is said that behind every truly great man, there is an equally great wife. As the The Scotsman arguably is Samurai Jack's greatest ally, it follows that The Scotsman's Wife must be a very great woman. To the surprise of Jack, however, the Scotman's adoring description of his Missus apparently came with a very idiosyncratic definition of 'greatness' - given that her singular greatest trait happens to be her mass.

One can argue that the Scotsman's whole clan exclusively consists of very large people (the Scotsman himself ironically being considered the runt of the litter). But there's being large like a tree, and there's being large like a dump truck. The Wife falls into the second category, and the fact that her hair-trigger temper goes off the second anyone so much as hints at her weight doesn't help when she also hits like one.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

The Scotsman's Wife, under managership of Frida Mofette, fought in 8chanmania XCII. She and Abby Anderson got into a fight over whom of them had more feminine charm, but despite of her superior bulk, the Wife still lost the match via pinfall.