Trans Hitler

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Trans Hitler
Trans Hitler Image.png
Birthday '
From Braunau am Inn
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Trans Hitler W
Loli Hitler
8chanmania LXXXVIII
First Victory
Trans Hitler W
Loli Hitler
8chanmania LXXXVIII
First Championship


Trans-Hitler is the transsexual version of Adolf Hitler.

Bio[edit | edit source]

In a different world and a different timeline, Adolf Hitler realized that he didn't really hate Jewish people, but actually hated himself. Or at least the form he was confined in. For as much as social conventions of the time forced him into the role of the toothbrush mustacho man, Adolf knew - deeply and genuinely knew - that he actually was a young girl named "Erika". Which also happened to be a cat.

Once this realization hit xher, Erika moved heaven and earth to install xherself as "Die Führerin". Not to start world wars and so forth. But to make the Trans Reich inclusive and welcoming for people of all genders. Unfortunately, 1933 wasn't the current year, and things didn't really work out. Fearing for xher life, Erika instead moved to England, and became the star of a cross-dressing comedy troupe.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Trans Hitler solely fought in Hitlermania. Xhe defeated Loli Hitler before getting a one-way ticket to hell by Holy Hitler.

Gallery[edit | edit source]