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The Whisper is a type of enemy from the remake of Final Fantasy VII.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Since the moment Aerith Gainsborough died at the hands of Sephiroth during the latter half of Final Fantasy VII, fans spent twenty-three years going through the five stages of grief. Which, in a pre-data mining era, meant you had the wildest speculations about the player being able to resurrect Aerith by beating Super Mario 64 as Luigi and then shoving the Memory Pak up your arse while you went behind the MS Anne in Pokémon to catch Mew.

After twenty-three years, folks over at Square Enix realized all the traumatized twelve-year-olds were now in their mid-thirties, and earned enough money from soul-crushing office jobs that Square could make a fat buck by just giving them what they wanted. Which also meant giving up any semblance of artistic integrity, but since Square also added annoying Whisper enemies to remind you that you're destroying the plot with your fan-fiction level fantasies, this is fine.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

A Whisper fought in 8chanmania XCIV. Or was supposed to fight in 8chanmania XCIV, anyway, if only it hadn't been nominated as a quick jab at the then-recent blatant cash-grab on the part of Square Enix. Since no-one actually could be arsed to create a functioning Edit for it, the Whisper instead was substituted by a Spooky Ghost.