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Witch Image.png
Birthday '
From USA
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Witch W
DQ3 Soldier
8chanmania XCVI
First Victory
Witch W
DQ3 Soldier
8chanmania XCVI
First Championship


The Witch is one of the special infected from Left 4 Dead

Bio[edit | edit source]

Unlike virtually all other infected, the witch shows no inherent aggression towards the survivors, but is completely content with huddling away somewhere while bawling her eyes out. Unfortunately, said 'somewhere' often is right in the midst of the survivors' escape route. Even more unfortunately, the witch is allergic towards excessive (read: any) amounts of sound or light, and will readily voice her displeasure by jumping and disemboweling the first poor soul to annoy her with her razor-sharp claws.

Dealing with witches usually comes in two ways: The first - generally preferable option - is to simply avoid them. When sneaking past a sobbing witch is not possible for one reason or another, the survivors may also try to "crown" her - which is a euphemistic term for a point-blank shotgun blast to the face, which may or may not suffice to kill her in an instant. If it does, the threat is removed. If it does not, the gunner is removed. Rest assured, most survivors really prefer the first option, difficult as it may be when you have a pack of screeching zombies on your tails.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

The Witch's sole appearance was in the very lewd 8chanmania XCVI. She made short work of the DQ3 Female Warrior, yet Robin flew right over her head.