Wizard Hitler

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Wizard Hitler
Wizard Hitler Image.png
Birthday '
From Braunau am Inn, Germany
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Wizard Hitler Pin
CDI Hitler
8chanmania LXXXVIII
First Victory

First Championship


Wizard Hitler is an Aryan Grand Wizard.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Though the fondness of Nazi party officials like Heinrich Himmler for all things arcane are not exactly a secret, and Esoteric Hitlerism has grown into its own set of beliefs, few people have it in their spellbook that Hitler actually happened to be a supremely powerful wizard himself. Partly by not having touched a woman until he was well beyond thirty, and partly because he really could cast spells and shit.

Leaving aside more mundane tricks like fireballs or bolts of lightning, Hitler's preferred school of magic was illusionism, which he used to spam Charm spells left, right, and center. If his modern followers are to be believed, Hitler also used illusion magic to magically make six million Jewish people disappear into thin air. Critics keep complaining it technically were ashes, but that's critics for you.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Wizard Hitler fought in the Hitler-themed 8chanmania LXXXVIII. He tried to cast his Zauber on CDI Hitler, only to get beaten to a pulp and SCHIFF'd off to the nearest camp.