Writing Good Pages

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So, you want a piece of this autism do you? You wanna know how to write a page that isn't five words and a mostly empty template? Congrats you've come to the right page.


On this godforsaken rock of autism, there are two types of pages that comprise most of the wiki's content: Character pages and Mania pages. Odds are if you're adding something to the wiki, it's one of those two. There are other pages as well, but we won't get into those until the end. Now in general, a good page is descriptive and informative without being too verbose, has all its i's dotted and its t's crossed, and all of the wiki-specific formatting is done correctly. If you don't know how to make words bold or italicized, how to make lists or line breaks, or properly edit things like headings or bullet lists, go look up a tutorial on that before you read on. If you are learned in the wiki-editing department, then take your pick on what you want to add: Character? or Mania?

Character Pages

Exemplar Pages: John Doe & Roman Reigns

Character pages are the backbone of the wiki, they keep a records of performance and they hold important lore. Characters come in many shapes, some are fighters, some are managers, some get classified as support, and some are a combination of the three. For each unique role a character has, there's a template to reflect and iterate the relevant information about them. Start by figuring out what role your character has filled. If your character is purely a fighter, then Template:Fighter is what you'll need to start their page. If your character managed a wrestler and never fought, for example like Meowth then Template:Manager is more fitting. If your character has both managed and fought, the Template:ExtendedFighter is what fits the bill. If you character fits none of the above listed criteria, you can use Template:BasicBox. Each template has a guide on how to fill it in on its respective page. Copy the text you see from the template page onto the character's page and begin to fill it in.

Once you've filled in the template, you can get to the rest of the character's page. A character page usually has a brief introduction (sometimes a single quote suffices, see Sly Marbo) followed by three main sections: The character's actual background, The character's mania background, and Trivia. Fill in each respective section with all you know. Any OC of the character goes in a gallery under the trivia section.

Mania Pages

Exemplar Pages: 8chanmania XII, 8chanmania XXXVIII, & 8chanmania LII

Mania pages are usually made well in advance of a Mania happening, so you'll likely not need to make one of these. However, if you have somehow managed to acquire a time machine, or gotten TNA to cough up the recordings of the older Manias he has, then follow this guide. Like the characters, there's a template available for Manias, Template:Mania. It's pretty straightforward, and it goes on every Mania page. A Mania's introduction lists the Mania's number, the number in the season, as well as any gimmicks or other relevant introductory info. After that, you insert the bracket, either Template:32Bracket or Template:TagBracket. Like the character templates, these have instructions on their respective pages. Mania pages also get Trivia sections, but that's only if anything interesting happens. Bullet points only for trivia.

Other Pages

Anything else fits under this, mostly lore. Copypaste lore directly, if you have the lines, otherwise drop a summary in the thread and see if it's approved.

Template Images

Templates for characters and manias are built to automatically call for the 'correct' image based upon the respective character or mania's name. The general naming convention set out by the templates is "'Name'_Image.png". Now most do not actually abide by this when they upload an image, simply because they don't know any better, they just upload and hope to can squeeze it into a template. Fortunately, there's a way around this. On you character or mania page in the main template when there's no picture, you should see a red hyperlink, something like "250px". Click that and the wiki will take you to the Upload File page with the naming convention already adhered to. Now you can upload your file and have it work regardless of what you saved it as to your desktop/image folder/untitled(2).
PROTIP:When you're creating your page, rather than hit "Save Page" when you're done, hit "Show Preview" instead and open the red hyperlink in another tab and complete the uploading process there. Once you've done that switch back to the page creation tab and save the new page for the image to load in immediately, rather than you having to wait for the cache to update.