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Debut Match
Yacatect Sub
Reimu Hakurei
8chanmania LXXV
First Victory
Reimu Hakurei
Mr. Cobra
John Ward
8chanmania LXXV
First Championship


Yacatect is a goddess from the fan mod Elona+, which in turn is based on the 2007 roguelike Elona.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Yacatect first and foremost is a goddess of commerce and business. While the boons she grants to her faithful may be less impressive than those of gods like Optaos and Lulwy when it comes to direct combat, having a higher drop rate for monsters parts and various random treasures that can be sold for cash still is an immensely useful feat for your local murder-hobo.

Unlike many other, more formal gods, Yacatect is best described as the 'cool, big sis' type that will simultaneously laugh at and applaud you while you diligently try to win or break the game by being a happy merchant. This made her an instant fan favorite among players who understood that Elona's mechanics were chiefly meant to make you suffer, and therefore decided to turn said mechanics against the game itself.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Yacatect debuted in 8chanmania LXXV. Her unending promises of wealth and fortune only ended in Reimu Hakurei suspecting she was a plant from the rival Moriya Shrine. But Reimu is just as greedy as Yacatect is, and after her defeat, the shrine maiden allowed the goddess to tag along for the small price of giving her 15% of the prize money.

Since this never took place, Reimu instead teamed up with Yacatect for 8chanmania LXXVI. The money-makers put a prompt halt to the sanctimonious preachings of Mr. Cobra and John Ward; but then got dragged into a very hands-on interrogation on the part of Lamaj and Erioioire.