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Yemmi Image.png
Birthday December 22nd, 2019
From '
Height N/A
Weight N/A

Debut Match
Yemmi KO + Pin
8chanmania LXXV
First Victory
Yemmi KO+ Pin
8chanmania LXXV
First Championship


Yemmi is severely underaged yeti. She is the daughter of Ski Free Yeti and Yeti Girl.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Yemmi was born during or shortly after 8chanmania LXXIV. Although generally more in semblance to her mother, she very definitely got daddy's eyes. Whether the same holds true for his appetite remains to be seen.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Yemmi debuted in 8chanmania LXXV. Winning her initial fight against her own babysitter Kikimora, the fact that she only was some seven days old by the time of the tournament became quite apparent when Reimu Hakurei removed her with a crit during the best of sixteen.

She immediately returned for 8chanmania LXXV, this time with Violet acting as her babysitter. They defied Shield-chan's attempts to make Yemmi her new pokemon in line with her current one, showed Long Long Man that Yemmi is quite a bit more dangerous than his giant snake, and then had to call it quits after having faced Cirno and Zara.

After her mom won the Mother's Day mania of 8chanmania XCI and earned herself a special prize in the form of Ness, he and Yemmi were last seen going on a play-date.