Zap Rosdower

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Zap Rosdower
Zap Rosdower Image.png
Birthday '
From Canada
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Zap Rosdower
King Shiva of Saldora
Ernest P. Worrell
Korean Robocop
8chanmania X
First Victory

First Championship


Zap Rosdower is a key character in the 1990 independent movie The Final Sacrifice; later popularized by being aired on Mystery Science Theater 3000.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Rosdower is a beer-drinking, hard-talking trucker who runs into protagonist Troy McGregor when the latter jumps onto the back of his pick-up while being chased by murderous cultists. Despite of his initial objection, Rosdower eventually agrees to help Troy on an epic quest that involves the latter's dead father, a heirloom map, and an ancient idol.

Rosdower being one hard badass is established by Troy repeatedly chanting his name ("Rosdower!") at every conceivable opportunity; and was further increased when Rosdower himself had to save Troy from the clutches of the evil cult after it had captured him. The crew of Mystery Science Theater 3000 later immortalized him as the very epitome of an action hero; fervently praising his name for the duration of the movie and the next season.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Zap Rosdower only appeared in 8chanmania X, where he was teamed up with King Shiva of Saldora. Their epic battle against fellow movie icons Ernest P. Worrell and Korean Robocop was the stuff of legends, but sadly also one they lost.