Zeeky H. Bomb

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Zeeky H. Bomb
Zeeky H. Bomb Image.png
Birthday '
From '
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
Zeeky H. Bomb Sub
Annoying Orange
8chanmania LXXXVI
First Victory

First Championship


Zeeky H. Bomb is a major character from The Demented Cartoon Movie.

Bio[edit | edit source]

In the early 2000s, before YouTube forced you to watch a two-hour ad for a thirty-second instruction video on how to perform CPR, most of the animated content on the net ran on something called Flash. It was an unbound era, where bright minds used all the might of MS Paint and stock sound effects to create their own cinematic debut. Which then landed on a website with dancing cowboys that want to lower your bills.

One of the most cherished animations of this period was The Demented Cartoon Movie - an artistic masterpiece that disguised itself as random slapstick humor, while quietly playing with the cultural fear of a nuclear holocaust still omnipresent since the end of the Cold War. As such, the anthropomorphic Zeeky H. Bomb and its tendency to destroy the world whenever someone muttered the code 'Zeeky Boogy Doo-

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

Zeeky H. Bomb fought in the 2000s-themed 8chanmania LXXXVI. Its fight against the Annoying Orange was put at the very end of the preliminary round. Despite of Orange's constants attempts to send the whole ring and itself to Kingdom Come, the match marked the first time that the bomb simply tapped out instead of going nuclear.