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SonicFox Image.png
SonicFox 5000
Birthday '
From United States of America
Height '
Weight '

Debut Match
SonicFox L
Piro Il Grezzo
8chanmania LVII
First Victory

First Championship


SonicFox is a fighting game furfag from the United States of America.

Bio[edit | edit source]

To use his own words, Sonic fox is black, nonbinary, furry, and queer; which honestly reads like some kind of bizarre bingo game. What most people don't have on their bingo card is that SonicFox also is a big-league tournament player in the Mortal Kombat and Injustice franchises, to the point that Mortal Kombat X had an achievement named after him.

Some people will argue that a black, nonbinary, furry, queer participant is a somewhat bizarre sight in the fighting game scene. But as anyone who has ever physically attended a fighting game tournament will attest, a black furry usually amounts to the least bizarre sight one might find in said tournament. And that's before you remember there also is the speedrunning scene.

In 8chanmania[edit | edit source]

SonicFox fought in 8chanmania LVII, where he faced Piro Il Grezzo. Although the sight of his fursuit nearly gave the Italian traditionalist an aneurysm, Piro quickly pulled himself together - and SonicFox apart.